Happy Earth Day!

Anyway, Happy Earth Day to all of you - more than any other Earth Day in my lifetime, I'm thinking of ways today that I can lessen my carbon footprint - to use less, recycle more, and to conserve, which is truly the spirit of Earth Day.
I'll be back late this evening with more, and I've got PLENTY of thoughts to share with you all in the coming days about recent developments in the world of politics - just because I haven't posted doesn't mean I haven't had my ear to the ground; I'm a big ball of excitement and outrage, all rolled into one - there have been some truly despicable things going on in Washington, D.C., yet some inspiring things, too. Yes, in the cynical world we live in, I can still be inspired. And hopefully I can inspire some of you, too.
As I go about my business today, I'll try to come up with the answer as to who the stupidest man in America is - Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity. Try picking a winner there! Talk about a Murder's Row of idiocy.
More later.
Labels: Earth Day