Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

John McCaned - straight talk express derailed

I've been waiting for a video compilation like this for a looong time. (I need to work on getting some video editing skills so I can do these myself.)

When are politicians going to learn that one hasn't been able to get away with lying about your past positions since the dawn of the video tape era? Presidents and politicians of both political parties are just a few examples in a long list of people who haven't learned this valuable yet simple lesson.

I've been saying for months (wait, check that - since I started this blog a little over 10 months ago) that judas john mccain is a turncoat sellout who has done more flip flops than 10 John Kerrys and will say virtually anything to be elected president.

Well, here's a pretty good compilation to prove it (above). It's part of a pretty good Website that you should check out - lots of mccain double-speak and outright lies.

Politicians must think the American people are pretty stupid, thinking we'll forget about some of this stuff. Well john, we're not stupid, and many of us don't forget, either.

The only drama left regarding mccain is whether the mainstream media will continue to lick his boots by referring to him as a "straight talker" and "maverick." I'm betting yes.

Hey mccain - do yourself a favor and don't resign from the Senate - because if you do, you won't have a seat to sit in when the music stops in '09.

So long, sell out.

Okay, he'll probably still make a run, and maybe even a strong one, before the Republican primaries are over next year, but I don't think he'll get the nomination. To be honest, my dream ticket for the Republicans is mccain/Lieberman. That would be money, prove endlessly entertaining, and also pretty damn beatable in '08.

Haven't had enough of the straight talker? Okay, here's more...

This one is a bit of an oldie, but it's still a goodie. It's from last fall regarding the North Korean crisis. This clip is of mccain and college dropout Sean Insanity griping about what we gave the North Koreans in the early 1990s during the Clinton administration, and also mccain telling everyone, in effect, to just shut up and stop criticizing the president.

What's funnier -- mccain blaming the North Korea crisis on President Clinton, or Insanity griping about the approximately $1 billion we gave North Korea?

When Clinton was in office, at least we had a dialogue with North Korea, and we were actually in the country. We can say neither now.

And the $1 billion? That's about 1/400th of what we've spent in Iraq, and there's no end in sight to that particular disaster. Of Bush's stupidly titled "Axis of Evil," who is the biggest danger to us now - North Korea, Iran or Iraq? A distant third would be Iraq, and that was true even before we got rid of Hussein.

We invaded Iraq for a quick triumph - we needed a feel-good victory dance following 9-11, because Bush reasoned we needed to celebrate our military might (and show it to the world) after the embarrassment and tragedy of 9-11.

Guess we got a little more than we bargained for, eh, Mr. President?

Okay, one more, just because it's so fun. This is addictive...

Here's a recent Meet the Press clip where mccain claims that Jerry Falwell is not an "agent of intolerance," a 180 degree switch from his position in 2000. I love how host Tim Russert uses mccain's own words from six years ago against him.

Keep in mind, since 2000, Falwell has blamed 9-11 on homosexuality and abortion. He's more of an agent of hatred and intolerance than ever, yet there's mccain, bowing down to Falwell and the radical religious right.

My favorite moment is when mccain opines that "a visit to Liberty University [which Falwell founded] is no different than a visit to Ohio State." The only explanation I can come up with is that judas john is off his meds. Can a visit to Bob Jones University be far behind? When is the David Duke endorsement? (A quick aside - am I the only one amused by the fact that one of the most conservative, religious schools in the country is known by the acronym "BJU"?)

Anyway, is there any constituency on the right with a butt too small for mccain to kiss to try and win the nomination?


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