Cell phone tax outrage

To be fair, I have no idea who/what organization is behind the Website and what their agenda is, but it's still worth five minutes of your time. It lists ridiculous taxes on cell phone services, state by state, that we all pay. For instance, in Pennsylvania, we are effectively paying double taxes for cell service every month. So, on a $100 bill, you are paying about $6 more than you should, and so on. Hey, this adds up, and no one likes to pay more than necessary in taxes. So, sign the petition on the Website - it takes just a few minutes. Hey, if enough people sign, it can make a difference.
For you Doubting Thomases who think one voice can't right a wrong, just think back to the pay raise that legislators in Pennsylvania gave themselves in '05. The grassroots outrage accomplished what many pundits said couldn't be done - Russell Nigro, a State Supreme Court Justice who voted yes to the pay raises, was shown the door, and another justice who voted for the raises, Sandra Newman, narrowly kept her seat. This was the first time in over 30 years an incumbent Supreme Court Justice lost an election - these reelections are usually all but automatic - and Governor Rendell was forced to backtrack from his original position of supporting the raises. The legislature had to vote to repeal the raises. Hey, it's the index finger, not the middle finger, that makes a difference, by clicking a mouse and pulling a voting lever.
Still feel powerless?
Labels: Cell Phone Tax, Doubting Thomas, Ed Rendell, KYW-1060, MyWireless.org
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