Clicks that make a difference

The Breast Cancer Site. No need for me to state the obvious why this one is important and should be to everyone. You can also buy pink bracelets here.
The Animal Rescue Site. This one has cool pet links, too.
The Child Health Site. A self explanatory site - also has links to Hurricane Katrina relief orgs, as well as Pakistan Earthquake Relief. People still need our help down in New Orleans, and will for a long time to come.
The Hunger Site. Links about African trouble spots, which I assume this site goes toward helping.
The Literacy Site. A problem that just shouldn't be a problem, and it's a tragedy that it's so widespread in the world.
I guess there's no way in knowing if these clicks actually work, but I look at it this way - my heart's in the right place by doing it, and what's the risk? If there's even a chance that it's legit, it's worth the 2 minutes out of my day.
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