I'm on hiatus for a bit

Just wanted to take a minute to let my loyal readers know (all 2 of ya!) that I won't be bloggin' for the next little bit. I have to go say goodbye to my grandmother, Evelyn Olive Allen, who is not doing well.
I've got soooo much to talk to you all about, and I haven't forgotten about reviewing An Inconvenient Truth, a movie I've seen 3 times in the theater. So, I'll be bringing you lots more very soon - probably sometime early to mid week next week.
It's going to be a very difficult next few days.

It seems like just yesterday I was staying over at her house, and she would take me shopping for my favorite treats. We ate lots of goldfish (we called them fishy crackers) and Capt'n Crunch on Sunday mornings. And we watched lots of Love Boat and Fantasy Island on Saturday nights. I'm going to miss you so much, Nan. I love you with all my heart.
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