Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Monday, July 24, 2006

Gore Smear, Part I, by STOSSEL?!?

This one's pretty good - it's John Stossel trying to sound like a global warming authority on MSNBC's Scarborough Country.

Listen to Scarborough's words and hyperbole. It's a kick. He claims Gore has said, "If we don't turn things around, in 10 years the ice caps are going to melt, we are going to boil, Manhattan will be underwater," blah blah fucking blah. Gore never said that in the movie, or anywhere else, genius. It's exaggeration to try to discredit Gore, and it's hilarious. Another Al Gore "quote" along the lines of I invented the Internet.

In Scarborough's Country, this kind of shit may be acceptable when you are out to discredit someone, but in the rest of the country, bullshit detectors go off everywhere, unless you are a card carrying member of the radical religious right.

The best part about this clip is how Scarborough gets bitch slapped on his own show by Tyson Slocum. At least someone has something intelligent to say in Scarborough Country.

Stossel should go back to 20/20 and expose more defective child seats. He doesn't have a coherent, intelligent thing to say in this piece, not one shred of scientific proof, and notice we don't get one actual name of the scientists "who he spoke to."

Stossel goes on to call us "the cleanest country in the world." Hilarious. As we belch out more greenhouse gases than any other country on Earth? Where in the hell does he believe the smog comes from in LA, fog machines on movie sets? Bravo, John. And, as usual, the obligatory comment about people sounding the alarm bell on global warming "hating capitalism." Whatever. Why am I wasting my time on this?

And Scarborough? Keep miring in obscurity, douche bag. You're about as popular as cancer, and your stellar ratings prove it. I wonder how MSNBC, an up-and-coming network, could have a no-talent like Scarborough when it has coherent, likable guys like Tucker Carlson and Keith Olberman? Yes, you read that right - I like Carlson. I don't always agree with him, but I like the guy and respect his opinions. I've enjoyed Carlson since his Crossfire days on CNN.

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