Just who started this name calling, anyway?

Honestly, I don't know who started all of this name calling in politics and who poisoned the atmosphere, and frankly, I don't care. But, it doesn't take sophisticated, scholarly research to reveal that there's plenty of guilty culprits on both sides.

Then we have people like Michael Savage. Yep, all liberals are enemies.
And thank God Savage broke the news to me that my liberalism is a mental disorder. Who knew?
This one might be my favorite. Every liberal is an idiot?
This Al Franken book is definitely my favorite example from the left. And Rush really is a big fat idiot. Wait, shouldn't there be a part 2 to this book? How about Rush Limbaugh is a big, fat, divorced, hypocritical, drug abusing, impotent idiot? That would be better. A close second on my favorites list is Franken's Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them; A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right.
I particularly enjoyed Franken's Lies book - nothing pisses off Bill O'Lielly more than when he's caught in a lie. However, this now happens so often, it's hardly worth noting. It's like Bush lying - we are so used to it that it hardly registers on the radar.
Say what you want about Franken, but at least his books are adequately and accurately researched vis a vis Ann Coulter.
Back to Coulter for a second - this is the woman who has alleged that Former President Bill Clinton was a rapist and that Hillary Clinton has fat legs. No on the former and who cares on the latter. But, when you look like an old scarecrow like Coulter does, it's not a good idea to criticize what others look like.
What's my point in this post? That plenty of stones are thrown on both sides. I'm merely wading into the cesspool and taking my turn. That's the name of the game in politics - throw the rock at them before they throw it at you. There are those people who say, "You should rise above it and not sink yourself down to that level." And to those I would say this - it never does any good - you're just portrayed as a wimp when you do that. If you need proof of this, 1. You haven't been paying attention to American politics in the last 30 years, and 2. See the Swiftboating of John Kerry as a refresher. He waited to respond, and the next thing you know, it stuck. Bush and Rove's lies, libel and slander about Kerry were subconsciously believed as fact by many. So there you go - fight fire with fire, or get burned at the stake.
And as for my reader's comment that I seem angry? He's spot on. I AM pissed, but instead of just sitting here and blogging, I speak with my actions - my dollar and my pen.
Labels: Al Franken, Ann Coulter, Godless (Book), Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (Book), Michael Savage, President Clinton, Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot (Book), Sean Hannity, Swiftboating
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