Bill O'Lielly earns his nickname... for the 1,244,956th time

Anyway, this just in - again. Bill O'Reilly is a liar who will say just about anything to his audience, truth be damned. I've come to the obvious conclusion, along with, oh, probably about 100 million other people - that the man HAS to know some of the shit that comes out of his mouth just isn't true.
For example, according to Media Matters, on his August 1 broadcast of The Radio Factor, O'Leilly falsely claimed for at least the third time in recent weeks that The New York Times has "sat ... out editorially" the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.
As Media Matters for America notes, O'Leilly claimed on the July 19 edition of his TV show, The O'Leilly Factor, that the Times editorial board was "sitting ... out" the conflict, because in his estimation, "[m]any American Jews are liberal," and "the Times cannot afford to alienate its liberal base." In fact, by then, the Times had published three editorials commenting on the conflict.
On the July 24 Radio Factor, O'Leilly apparently modified his claim, stating that the Times was "basically sitting ... out" [emphasis added] the issue, dismissing the paper's July 18 editorial on the conflict, summarized below, as "just garbage." O'Leilly then reverted to his claim that the Times was "absolutely sitting it out editorially" during that evening's O'Leilly Factor. From the time O'Leilly made the initial claim until the most recent instance on August 1, again, according to Media Matters, the Times published four more editorials on the conflict, bringing the total number to seven.
Well, one thing is clear. If O'Leilly maintains this pace of lying, he will outpace the number of times the Times DOES actually comment on the Mideast crisis, but he still has some catching up to do. Get going, Billie.
Labels: Bill O'Lielly, New York Times
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