Our wedding present - Installed!

The journey wasn't easy to get it installed, either. As it turns out, Direct TV contracts out its installs. We went to Best Buy, bought our three satellite TiVos, signed up, and waited for the installation company (Ironwood Communications) to come out. Well, when the day came for Ironwood to come out, it was a rainy, nasty day.
The two losers who showed up clearly didn't want to do the work. They muttered something about needing permission from the landlord, and I explained to them that we own, not rent. Then they came up with a few other excuses to not do the work, and I told them we wanted it done. Without saying a word, they left our condo, went downstairs, and left. I didn't say anything because I thought they were going to get their tools. When I figured out that they had left, I was full hot.
I was about ready to give up and take the TiVo boxes back to Best Buy, but we decided to give it another try. Vandra made almost a dozen calls, after I tried unsuccessfully a few times, and Direct TV sent a different installation company back. (No way were we going to let the assholes from Ironwood Communications back into our condo.)
Well, yesterday the job was finished, and we are all set to enjoy lots of football tomorrow. Direct TV has a great deal going right now, too. If you get the premium package, which is what is needed to get Sunday Ticket, it's only $69.99 for the first three months, and you get every movie channel. So, we're pretty excited. Our three TiVos will get quite a workout. Yes, we have a problem, I know - three TiVos! But, we both record quite a bit, and plus I record a lot of sporting events, and they are hours long at a time. But, we love TiVo, and we love our shows.
Figures, too. The first weekend we have it, the Broncos are nationally televised Sunday night, and the Cowboys are on a bye. Oh well, we'll be ready to go next week!
Go Cowboys! Oh, okay Vandra - go Broncos, too. :o)
I love the NFL, and I love our wedding present to ourselves. However, when does hockey season start? Of course I'm getting NHL Center Ice again this year - it's the best thing about winter. So, most of all, go Oilers!
Labels: DirectTV, Ironwood Communications, NFL Sunday Ticket, NHL Center Ice, TiVo
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