Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

President Bush - Iraqi bloodshed "just a comma." Did he mean "coma"?

President Bush recently stated that the bloodshed in Iraq is "just a comma."

Even by Bush's amazingly low standards, it was a shocking statement for a U.S. President to make. The misguided War in Iraq has claimed the lives of over 2,700 American soldiers and seriously injured over 20,000 more. This total disaster has increased the threat of terror against Americans, not decreased it. This misadventure has cost us hundreds of billions of dollars, to fight a war sold to the American public with lies, and mismanaged with an almost child-like incompetence.

Bush has had the opportunity to explain himself, time and time again, yet all the American public (and the world) gets is that dismissive smirk that should outrage us all.

I wonder if Bush wasn't simply mispronouncing "coma." But, I could be wrong - he's never mispronunciated anything before, so why should he start now?

Someone needs to stick an exclamation mark up his cologne. Oops. Colon. I need the Hooked on Phonics course of Bushisms.

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