$5 can make a difference

Interested in donating to some Democratic candidates for this uber-important election? I found a cool Website the other day, ActBlue, where contributing is quick and easy. Take a look - progressive candidates are listed with short bios of each. You can either contribute to a general fund, or you can contribute to individual candidates.
The site is simply asking for $5, and that can make a difference. The GOP enjoys a significant funding advantage, and they will use every cent they can to lie, distort and slander in order to hold onto power in both Houses of Congress.
Specifically, if you have a few extra bucks over and above five, I recommend your contributing to Lois Murphy and Patrick Murphy on this site. I did, and I hope you do, too. The latter Murphy is running against a particular type of Republican scum, Mark Fitzpatrick, who has taken an oft-used page out of the Karl Rove playbook - slander, slash and burn an opponent and question his military record, when Fitzpatrick has none at all.
The Murphy/Fitzpatrick race is of particular importance to me, since I used to live in Pennsylvania's 8th District in Bucks County. I campaigned very hard for John Kerry there in 2004. We didn't win the war, but we won that battle - Kerry carried the county, and our state. We did our part, anyway.
Murphy, an Iraq war veteran, has a helluva lot more credibility on what's going on in Iraq than Fitzpatrick, a smug, desperate candidate who, like President Bush and Vice President Cheney, has no military experience. I'll be blogging more about Fitzpatrick in a day or two.
Let's hit the GOP where it hurts - first in the pocketbook, then at the polls.
Go big D! (And in this instance, I don't mean my Dallas Cowboys.)
Labels: ActBlue, Blue America, Lois Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Pennsylvania 8th District
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