Katherine Harris: America's, um, sweetheart?
It's good to hear that Katherine Harris hasn't lost her grip on reality. But, what else would you expect Harris' Website to say? The fact is, she's an embarrassment not only to Florida, but to America. I love how she would tout the results of a straw poll. Anyway, better tape below.
Awww, Katherine is going to sell her house to stay in the race? That's small potatoes when compared to selling her soul in the 2000 election. As far as I'm concerned, she is should be the poster child for why we need election reform in this country. There's no way a state secretary of state should ever, EVER be allowed to be the chairperson of any campaign, ever. Am I the only one who thinks this is a massive, massive conflict of interest? Imagine if the tables were turned, and Al Gore had won because of a Democratic secretary of state. The media firestorm would have been equivalent to Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre.
And that same conflict of interest happened in 2004 on Ohio, but I'll have more on that specifically in a future book review I'm writing; I'm right in the middle of a pretty poignant book on the '04 election.
It'll be fun to see Harris get the Shinola kicked out of her on election night, as Keith Olbermann so eloquently put it in the first clip, because it's definitely going to happen. Harris' lame attempts to deflect Colmes' comments about the Bushes not supporting her was pretty entertaining. For her to deny that at this point is laughable. Jeb and W and the rest of the GOP just wish that she would go away. And to be clear, from what I've read about Bill Nelson, he's not setting the world on fire, either, so it's pretty shocking that even a party like the GOP can't put someone more effective up against him. Hey, whatever - it's all about regaining control of the Senate, so the more morons that the GOP runs, the better. So, in a way, thank you Katherine Harris. After all that you, ahem, did for this country in 2000, it's the least you could do.
Oh, and you're right, Ms. Harris, people are struggling with their taxes. Hardworking people who haven't had anything handed to them ARE struggling to get by, but it's the GOP who have been setting the agenda for the last six years, rewarding big business and the rich and with ill-advised tax cuts that will set my generation back decades. When the bill comes due we'll all pay the price down the road.
So, Katherine, do us all a favor - starting November 8, go drift into oblivion. Oh, and keep slapping on the make-up and getting plastic surgery - it's doing wonders. Off the top of my head, you look like the daughter of Tammy Faye Baker, or perhaps a younger sister.
Labels: Bill Nelson, Florida Senate Race, Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris, President Bush
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