Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

PC/Mac ad parodies: I'm a Democrat

I found these parodies on YouTube tonight, and they made me laugh. These are spoofs of the PC/Mac commercials currently running on TV. They pretty much hit the nail on the head, and they're pretty well produced. I like the second one the best, but they all have a point. Take a look.

(Above) Part I - A pretty good warm-up.

(Above) Part II. This one's great! I laughed and laughed when the Republican dude tries to act like he's "down" with the African-American, naming the few prominent Republican African-Americans. He gets Condi, Clarence Thomas, but he forgot J.C. Watts and Colin Powell.

Locally, of course, there's Lynn Swann, the Pennsylvanian gubernatorial candidate. Too bad he's never even been elected to anything. So, from nothing to governor? Pretty ambitious. No offense, Lynn, but we don't need another Jesse Ventura. We need someone with experience who can lead, and you aren't the person to do that. Why not just run for president in '08, Swannie? Puleeze.

Another thing that I get a kick out of is the Republican party basically treating African-Americans like a bunch of imbeciles. I remember the president during the summer of '04 proclaiming, "They [The Democrats] take your vote for granted, don't they? It's a legitimate question." Well, the legit answer would be 1. Yes, the Democratic party does at times, and shouldn't, but 2. Why shouldn't they, in a way? The Republicans aren't for many things that would benefit many African-Americans: better schools (especially public schools in inner cities), the raising of the minimum wage, universal health care, etc. So, shouldn't Democrats spend time and money where it could win them elections - and that's the undecideds? Just a possible reason.

Granted, I don't think the party should take ANY group for granted, I'm just offering up possible reasons why the Democrats consider large chunks of the African-American electorate "safe" in elections - it's because most Republicans don't give a shit about them. And the same goes for gays - save for a few token Republicans who are openly gay - Mark Foley (I'm passing on any jokes here), Dick Cheney's daughter, etc., the GOP openly despises gay people, so why should they vote for them? I can guarantee if they represented a bigger portion of the population (read: voting block), Karl Rove would be courting the gay vote, too. It's all about votes, for either party. Duh.

I fondly remember the 2000 Republican National Convention, which was held here in Philadelphia. Nothing was funnier than seeing the GOP trot out a few token African-Americans, like Condi, Colin Powell and J.C. Watts. A good friend of mine said to me, with a straight face, "It's good to see the party promoting diversity like that." I almost spit up my dinner when I heard him say it. Yea, Republicans - the party of diversity.

This last one wasn't bad, but it fades at the end. I was waiting for a stem cell research line, or a crack about Santorum at Terri Schiavo's bedside, smiling for the cameras. Sigh. Oh well, perhaps they will consult me for episode 4. :o)

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