Rush outdoes himself

Just when I thought it wasn't possible to despise Rush Limbaugh anymore than I already do, he loads up the outrage cannon once again.
Yesterday on his radio show, as reported by Media Matters, listen to what the bloated drug addict had to say about a Michael J. Fox campaign spot for Missouri Senate candidate Claire McCaskill.
First, the spot:
FOX: As you might know, I care deeply about stem cell research. In Missouri, you can elect Claire McCaskill, who shares my hope for cures. Unfortunately, Senator Jim Talent [the incumbent Missouri Senator, who McCaskill is running against] opposes expanding stem cell research. Senator Talent even wanted to criminalize the science that gives us the chance for hope. They say all politics is local, but that's not always the case. What you do in Missouri matters to millions of Americans, Americans like me.
McCASKILL: I'm Claire McCaskill, and I approve this message.
Then, the disgusting excuse for a human being began his ill-conceived rant. ...
LIMBAUGH: Now, this is Michael J. Fox. He's got Parkinson's disease. And in this commercial, he is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He is moving all around and shaking. And it's purely an act. This is the only time I have ever seen Michael J. Fox portray any of the symptoms of the disease he has. I know he's got it and he's raising money for it, but when I've seen him in public, I've never seen him betray any of the symptoms. But this commercial, he -- he's just all over the place. He can barely control himself. He can control himself enough to stay in the frame of the picture, and he can control himself enough to keep his eyes right on the lens, the teleprompter. But his head and shoulders are moving all over the place, and he is acting like his disease is deteriorating because Jim Talent opposes research that would help him, Michael J. Fox, get cured. Jim Talent does not oppose stem cell research, he opposes fetal stem cell research but not adult. But this is reminiscent, and I don't have time -- yes, I do. Here, listen to [then-Democratic vice presidential candidate] John Edwards, the Breck girl, on the campaign trail, October 11th, 2004:
EDWARDS: If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will do when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk -- get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.
LIMBAUGH: -- they said it at a debate. I don't know if he said it at a convention. So this is really shameless, folks, this is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting, one of the two. [Emphasis Mine]
First of all, do I even need to point out the obvious - that this pill popping, OxyCotnin-addicted dick is even talking about someone else and medication? I'd say that's called living in a glass house and throwing stones, but there probably isn't a glass house big enough to hold him.
Secondly, I'm glad that Rush went to the Bill Frist medical school, where he can look at some video tape and have the ability deliver a medical diagnosis, à la Terri Schiavo.
I shouldn't even let Limbaugh bother me anymore, but he does. Why? Because this despicable scumbag can and does spread hateful things about people who aren't in allignment with him politically. And, most importantly, because he has over 13 million listeners a week, known as Dittoheads. Most people who listen to Rush's hateful pap on a consistent basis should probably just be called sad, or worse, but I'll restrain myself. Rush should pop a few more Oxys and shut his mouth.
Labels: Claire McCaskill, Jim Talent, Michael J. Fox, Missouri Senate Race, Parkinson's Disease, Rush Limbaugh
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