Armistice signed; no new War on Christmas

Oh yea, we got us a new War on Christmas! Wait, not so fast.
The Marine Reserves’ Toys for Tots program in Los Angeles has decided to accept a donation of Bible-quoting Jesus dolls, reversing its initial decision to not accept them in fear of offending children who don't practice Christianity.
Sigh - all's well that ends well. I'm happy this had a quick resolution , because I know those credible talking heads from the right, i.e. - Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh, would have had a field day, and let's not forget about Bill O'Lielly, who never met a War on Christmas he didn't like (and threaten a boycott over).
After all, you're either with Jesus, or you're with the terrorists.
Okay, I can't end on that note. For the record, I'm a Christian, and I believe in Jesus, but I don't have enough time to type what turns me off about organized religion and the radical religious right - some day maybe I'll have 48 hours to spare to type that post.
I'll put this to you rhetorically, but does any God fearing Christian honestly believe that Jesus would have been for:
-Spending money you don't have
-Going to war, not as a last resort, but as a pre-emptive move against a country that was no threat
-Caring little about the poor
-Ignoring nearly 30 million Americans who don't have health care
-Vetoing the FMLA Act, as Bush 41 did
-Capital Punishment
-Polluting the planet, global warming be damned
I think you get my point...
God is not a Republican. He may not be a liberal Democrat, either, but then again, I'm not pretending he is, like the other side does.
Labels: Bill O'Reilly Phony Boycott, FMLA Act, Jesus Dolls, President George H.W. Bush, Toys for Tots, War on Christmas
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