Bush White House flagged for stupidity

Evidently, the dopes at the White House think the flag above is the Vietnamese flag. The official White House Website, posting a story about President Bush's visit to Vietnam, posted this flag with an accompanying story. Too bad it's the flag of South Vietnam, a country that hasn't existed for 31 years. What's worse, the flag is highly offensive to most Vietnamese, and most definitely to the leaders of Vietnam.
Had these morons done ANY checking, they would have discovered...

...that THIS is the official flag of Vietnam. And it took me inside of two minutes of poking around on Wikipedia. Real tough stuff. Hey, maybe the Internets were down at the White House the day they posted the story. Then again, maybe not.
This isn't the first time that the president's staff has suffered an embarrassing faux pas. Earlier this year, Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to Washington was marked by a string of missteps, slights, carelessly thought out events and downright stupidity.
The low point during his visit, as reported Here in the Washington Post, was when the White House issued press credentials to a Falun Gong activist, who interrupted the Chinese leader's press conference, shouting, "President Hu, your days are numbered!" and "President Bush, stop him from killing!"
Making matters worse, the Chinese had warned the White House to be careful about who it permitted to attend the press conference. As it turned out, the same activist who interrupted Hu's press conference had heckled his predecessor in Malta five years ago.
Nice job researching and securing a visit by a world leader, people. Can you IMAGINE the uproar in the press had this happened to a U.S. President visiting China? Fox News would want to declare World War III on China.
But, the administration's uncouth manner didn't stop there. How about Dick Cheney donning sunglasses for a ceremony for Hu, or the announcer saying that the band would play the "national anthem of the Republic of China" - the official name of Taiwan. Taiwan!
Bush also wouldn't even give Hu an official state visit - no formal dinner in the State Dining Room, no Chinese flags flying near the lampposts, as is customary.
This is how we treat the next superpower? People and countries don't forget this stuff.
My point is that the Vietnamese flag mistake isn't some isolated incident. Many in this administration are simply morons; college-educated idiots. Just because you have a college degree doesn't mean you're smart - President Bush is the embodiment of that principle.
I have no way to confirm this, but I hear the White House has an article with an accompanying flag ready for Bush's next visit to Germany.

Honestly, would you really put it past these people?
Labels: Chinese President Hu Jintao, President Bush, Vietnam Visit
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