DeLay has a Lott of Trent in him. Speaking of which...

Wow, a kinder, gentler DeLay, you say? Of course not. Read on. Here are his comments:
"I'm going to shock you on two levels. One is I think the real Person of the Year ought to be Nancy Pelosi....I think it's unfortunate that you said I created the culture in Washington. The Democrats, when they lost power, it was like, as John said, it was like losing your plantation - they refused to work with the Republican majority. Back in the good old days they always talk about the Republican minority mindset like the slaves of the plantation and as long as they kept that, the Democrats, they all got along. It's when things got up and changed that we all got more partisan. Nancy Pelosi, I have to give her credit."
Thanks for reminding us how much of an imbecile you are, DeLay, and why you no longer have a cushy job in Congress.
DeLay's comments reminded me of the whole Trent Lott fiasco in 2003, when he praised former segregationist Strom Thurmond during his 100th birthday celebration (see above).
And the GOP wonders why African-Americans don't vote Republican. Duh.
To make things even more interesting, it was announced that today Lott was elected Senate Minority Whip, beating out Lamar Alexander by one vote. Talk about sending a good message ~ and Republican talking heads were bitching about Senator Kerry's gaffe last week, which, when taken in the context of his whole speech, was clearly a botched joke?
Trent's the real joke.
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