More great political cartoons
It's been a little while, I but I wanted to bring you some terrific political cartoons from Newsweek Magazine over the last three weeks. I know I've said this before, but there's nothing like a powerful, brutal political cartoon - they can say so much with so little.
I love this one - it will be very interesting to see how the press treats Rudy if he decides to run. He doesn't exactly have a squeaky clean image. Let me guess - his past will be irrelevant, much like Kerry's and Clinton's was, right?
More on Michael Richard's racial rant in a bit. What a dope.
I loved this one! Rupert Murdoch - purveyor of media pollution.
So long, Rummy - America will miss you as Defense Secretary about as much as it missed Robert McNamara.
Trent's back, and he's a BIIIG fan of Karl Rove and the White House. That might be upsetting to some, but not to me.
One of the most memorable lines of the Bush Presidency will live on, for decades to come, I'm afraid. Makes "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky" seem insignificant and irrelevant, doesn't it?

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