Pelosi makes history while media takes a nap

Today, Pelosi (Above, Left) made history, joining the list of "women firsts," becoming the first-ever female Speaker of the House of Representatives in the U.S. Congress.
A funny thing happened on the way to history today, though. The press coverage has been at times idiotic, inaccurate and moronic. On a day history was made, you would have thought the Democrats were assaulting each other with sticks, bats and knives in the U.S. House.
Jack Murtha (Above, second from right) mounted a campaign against Steny Hoyer (above, far right) to be House Majority Leader. Pelosi endorsed Murtha, but today Hoyer prevailed. Big deal. Two men ran against each other, and there was a vote, with a clear-cut winner. But, the coverage has focused on the "in-fighting" among Democrats and how the party is supposedly "divided."
In my humble opinion, the coverage should be focused on two things: Nancy Pelosi's ascension to power in the House, becoming the most powerful woman politician to date in U.S. history; and how Trent Lott, after a racist, unforgivable gaffe in 2002, has returned to a position of power for the Republican Party in the U.S. Senate.
Instead, we get the supposedly liberal press focusing on the Murtha v. Hoyer contest. From what I can see, there is no story, and the trifecta of Pelosi, Hoyer and Murtha are ready to get on with the business of running the House and promoting the Democratic agenda.
I'm looking forward to seeing what these three accomplish. It's put up or shut up time for the Democrats in both houses of Congress. Not only do I hope they don't let me down as a Democrat, I hope they don't let the country down.
Labels: Dee Dee Myers, Jack Murtha, Madeline Albright, Nancy Pelosi, Sally Ride, Sandra Day O'Conner, Steny Hoyer, Trent Lott
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