Sometimes liberals just don't get it

I'm cruising around the Huffington Post yesterday, and this is what I find (pictures above). It's an article on first daughter Barbara Bush drinking at a college party. Its was a juvenile piece, aimed at taking a swipe at the president. There's no place for this kind of bullshit on a Website like Arianna's, which presents itself as a serious site for political discourse (albeit a liberal one). This is fit for The Onion's site, if that. Here are my thoughts:
1. Leave the kid alone - what college kid hasn't been at a party with a Solo cup in her/her hand?
2. This "incident" is not related to her father, and she is not overtly political.
3. I always know when someone's truly being a jackass when kids or spouses are brought into an argument or discussion.
This is the kind of crap that Democrats and liberals harped about when Clinton was president. Anyone remember Rush Limbaugh calling Chelsea Clinton "the White House dog"? I do - despicable and inexcusable. Just like this piece.
Speaking of the president and alcohol, I've got another liberal to rant about who I cannot stand. Bill Press, formerly of CNN fame, has a radio show on Sirius. I forget the exact name of the

Anyway, I was listening to Press a day or two after the election, and he was cackling like a hen about the election results. Okay, fair enough - so was I. But, then he starts talking about how the president might be back on the booze, and he takes an audio clip of Bush talking and slows it down deliberately so it sounds like Bush is slurring. (More to the point, he mentioned that he "heard" how Bush might be drinking again.) Just how stupid is this guy?
Really, Bill? Really, Arianna? Is this the kind of bullshit that liberal voices have to resort to? And wasn't this the gutter commentary that the sanctimonious and hypocritical right resorted to when Clinton was in office?
My point - Bush's policies are bad enough to criticize without resorting to stuff like this. It's pointless, juvenile, and awfully Matt Drudge-esque. If you can't find enough things to criticize the president about without going after his battle with alcoholism, you aren't looking hard enough.
Alcoholism is a disease, and those afflicted with it face a choice every day that isn't easy to make - and by most accounts Bush is making the right choice every day. On that point - bravo to him for overcoming it.
Shame on those who make light of him for his alcoholism or, worse yet, his daughter, because she got busted for underage drinking, all in a completely lame attempt to score a few political points.
When liberals resort to these tactics, they're no better than Limbaugh, Falwell or Robertson. And that's some pretty awful company.
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