My New Year's Resolutions

These are in no particular order - just as I remembered them as I was typing. But, I have put some thought into them, believe me. I want 2007 to the best ever personally for my personal and professional development. So, here they are, in no particular order (at least the ones I want to share publicly)...
☼ Get started on writing a book.
☼ Begin learning Spanish! It's not going to happen in one year, but I want to get started on it this year.
☼ Lose at least 25 pounds, through proper diet and exercise.
☼ Launch (and also as my photography Website. I've already bought both domain names - now I just need to get a professional, comprehensive Website built. It won't happen overnight, but I won't launch it until it's professional and ready to go exactly as I want it.
☼ Take more pictures and get very serious about photography. I have the exact equipment I've always dreamed of - now it's time to get very serious about using it all. And I fully intend to.
☼ Related to the resolution immediately above is to always have a camera with me, or as often as possible. Now that I have a very good point and shoot digital, there's no reason to not have a camera within arm's reach, or at least as much as possible. I've always been skittish about taking my "big" camera with me in places, but I don't have to feel that way any longer.
☼ Read at least 25 books. It's a bit ambitious, but I JUST reached double digits this year, and that's inexcusable. God only knows I have so many books that I know own that I want to read - the challenge is just finding the time. And of course, it goes without saying - I'll review all that I read on here.
☼ Regularly keep up with my blog. This shouldn't be a problem, but I don't want to go days and days without posting something. I'm constantly thinking of things to write, but sometimes by the time I get around to writing it, it's no longer timely. So, I have to get better at it.
☼ This one shouldn't be this far down the list, but like I said, these are in no particular order - don't swear so much, and that includes on my blog. Two people I admire and respect very much (and you know who you are - "R" & "R") have correctly pointed out to me that now that I'm an academic (actually, I've been one for years, really, since my master's degree), there's no need for the F-Bombs and such. I rarely consciously or intentionally do it - it's just part of who I am. On occasion I use profanity to emphasize a point, but more often than not, it's just my passion for a subject manifesting itself in an undesirable way. So, I need to work on it, and it sez here I'm going to, and I'm aware that it can and often does distract from the message.
☼ Try to successfully convince someone very close to me that he really ought to write a book. He knows who he is - he really has a remarkable story to tell. I'd just like to help him tell it, in a very small way. That is, if he would let me - he certainly wouldn't need my help if he wanted to do it.
☼ When I say to myself that I'd like to write a letter about something that's made me happy, unhappy or otherwise, write it! I talk about letters I want to write too much and actually write them too little. So, I need to work on it, and I will, starting next week.
☼ Take time to smell the roses just a bit more. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my life, I quickly forget how fortunate and lucky I am and that I lead one fantastic life that I wouldn't trade with anyone. And those words are as true now as they've ever been.
☼ Less caffeine and Red Bull, and more sleep! I know that's easier said than done, but I do need to work on this. Having a killer commute won't help, but it's a worthy goal to at least try to cut down on this stuff, because none of it is good for you.
☼ Remember birthdays, anniversaries, etc. of people related and close to me... and remember them on time! I've slipped in recent years, but I suppose related to that would be using my underused Palm
☼ Try to understand our cat more. Yea, right. He just doesn't understand ME. I have a great deal of affection for him, but cats just don't dig affection so much. I guess I'm a dog person at heart, but we won't be getting dogs until we move - a dog in the city is usually an unhappy dog, in my mind.
Happy New Year, everyone - I hope you all have a safe, wonderful, fulfilling and prosperous 2007.
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