Trans fat ban - more big brother?

Okay, on gay marriage I'm crystal clear - put it to a vote and give gays the same rights heterosexuals have, period. But, with the likes of Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Lielly and Rush Limbaugh peddling their bullshit, it's unlikely that will ever happen.
But, I hope you get my point. Focusing on this b.s. is not bettering the lives of Americans, and every single American deserves better.
New York City recently announced a trans fat ban for all of its restaurants that will take effect next year, and Philadelphia is also getting on board with a ban of its own.
I don't know too much about trans fats, and I won't pretend to, but this is getting ridiculous. Next the government is going to tell me I can't drink soda in public, or eat a chocolate bar, or have a Krispy Kreme.
How far is too far? It's a slippery slope, but it's got to stop somewhere.
Yes, I know trans fats are bad, but so are most of the other things I just mentioned above, and the government isn't banning them. Alcohol kills millions every year, but the government hasn't banned that (nor should it).
This new ban has me wondering when a line in the sand will be drawn. By all appearances, it won't be anytime soon. And that's a pity.
Land of the free? Humph. More like home of the sheep. And the shepherds are preoccupied with trivial, irrelevant bullshit.
Labels: Big Brother, Trans Fat Ban
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