3 tasty ways to cheat on your '07 diet
God, I have to get on track with my New Year's resolution to lose weight, eat right and exercise more. Of all of the goals I set for myself this year, this one will be the toughest to stick to, but I'm going to try.
But, today's football day, and that's often a trigger for me to eat junk food. And today's no exception. Already this year, I've developed an unhealthy habit of rewarding myself with food when I make it through a tough day or when my sweet tooth longs for comfort.
Anyway, if you're on a diet and love chocolate, slowly hit the BACK button on your browser and don't read any further. For those of you who have strong willpower or a resistance to chocolate except for the occasional treat, take a taste of these three beauties...
Häagen-Dazs has really outdone itself this time. I was browsing in the frozen section of Wawa the other day, and I had a hunger for ice cream. I've never been too big on ice cream, but I go through phases where I love it and have to have it. So, I found a flavor I figured was worth a try -- Caramel Cone.
It's even better than I thought. I can't get enough! The first pint was gone about 1/2 hour after I opened it. And for the football games today, I bought even more.
I really am going to start walking after we get back from Vegas! And if my knees feel up to it, I may even start running again.
Yesterday, while picking up a few goodies for the games today, I saw something that caught my eye in the cookie aisle - Hershey's Milk Chocolate Layered Heath Cookies.
I'm drawn to anything Heath like a moth to light. Heath Bars are my favorite candy bars, ever. Nothing even comes close. Okay, Twix and 100 Grand bars round out my top three, but when I'm really in the mood to treat myself, a Heath Bar it is. Anyway, the cookies are great - I love them. They have a Girl Scout Cookie capacity for addiction, and that's saying something
(Caramel Coconut cookies, anyone?).
My only minor complaint about the Heath cookies is that I can't taste the toffee enough, but eating pure toffee often isn't enough of a toffee taste for me.
Last, but certainly not least, is my favorite kiss of all, besides Vandra's. Hershey's Chocolate Cherry Cordial Kisses are the most addicting candy I've ever tasted, ever!
There's something about the cherry inside these kisses that makes 'em so you simply cannot eat just one. These kisses literally melt in your mouth.
My advice - don't eat these on an empty stomach, because the bag will be gone before you can say New Year's Resolution.
Anyway, try these three treats if you dare - enjoy the taste now, save the guilt for later. I should have gone into advertising.
But, today's football day, and that's often a trigger for me to eat junk food. And today's no exception. Already this year, I've developed an unhealthy habit of rewarding myself with food when I make it through a tough day or when my sweet tooth longs for comfort.
Anyway, if you're on a diet and love chocolate, slowly hit the BACK button on your browser and don't read any further. For those of you who have strong willpower or a resistance to chocolate except for the occasional treat, take a taste of these three beauties...
Häagen-Dazs has really outdone itself this time. I was browsing in the frozen section of Wawa the other day, and I had a hunger for ice cream. I've never been too big on ice cream, but I go through phases where I love it and have to have it. So, I found a flavor I figured was worth a try -- Caramel Cone.

I really am going to start walking after we get back from Vegas! And if my knees feel up to it, I may even start running again.
Yesterday, while picking up a few goodies for the games today, I saw something that caught my eye in the cookie aisle - Hershey's Milk Chocolate Layered Heath Cookies.
I'm drawn to anything Heath like a moth to light. Heath Bars are my favorite candy bars, ever. Nothing even comes close. Okay, Twix and 100 Grand bars round out my top three, but when I'm really in the mood to treat myself, a Heath Bar it is. Anyway, the cookies are great - I love them. They have a Girl Scout Cookie capacity for addiction, and that's saying something

My only minor complaint about the Heath cookies is that I can't taste the toffee enough, but eating pure toffee often isn't enough of a toffee taste for me.

There's something about the cherry inside these kisses that makes 'em so you simply cannot eat just one. These kisses literally melt in your mouth.
My advice - don't eat these on an empty stomach, because the bag will be gone before you can say New Year's Resolution.
Anyway, try these three treats if you dare - enjoy the taste now, save the guilt for later. I should have gone into advertising.
Labels: Häagen-Dazs Caramel Cone, Hershey Cherry Cordial Kisses, Hershey Milk Chocolate Layered Heath Cookies, Wawa
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