Hitler Youth selling VO5?
Some will call me a politically correct, liberal nut when they read what I think after seeing this ad, and I don't care.
This commercial is stupid, mindless and it's a short sighted attempt to sell VO5 products.
I never cease to be amazed when mindless ads like this one hit the airwaves. When I first saw this tonight, I rewound it on our DVR to watch it again because I thought my eyes had deceived me. They hadn't.
The unfortunate symbolism in this ad is so obvious - you'd have to have zero knowledge of World War II to miss it. The ad gave me these two thoughts:
First, which ad agency thought this was a good idea? Talk about narrow-minded stupidity.
Second, the company that manufactures and distributes VO5, Alberto-Culver, should know better than to green light an ad like this.
What's next - going to Hiroshima, Japan to release the next version of Duke Nukem, the popular video game?
How people quickly forget that the Holocaust occurred less than 70 years ago. That's NOT a long time. (The 67th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army on January

Alberto-Culver should know better, and victims and descendants of Nazi oppression deserve better.
Think I'm reaching? Does anyone remember the Starbucks ad (left) that the company pulled not long after 9-11? Many felt it rang a little too close to 9-11, with the bug diving into the drinks. Look at the ad for yourself (I know, it's hard to see, but this was the best copy of it I could find.)
And honestly, the VO5 ad is a lot worse than the Starbucks ad.
Just because 9-11 was five years ago and the Holocaust was nearly 70 years ago doesn't make the VO5 ad any less outrageous.
I understand that imperfect people make these ads, but the VO5 ad is so blatantly stupid, it just shows a profound lack of common sense and sensitivity.
I'm curious to see if there will be any sort of controversy in the US from this ad. I found it on YouTube, and evidently, it appeared in the UK before it did here. Stay tuned on this one.
Labels: Atomic Bombings, Hiroshima, Hitler Youth, Holocaust, Nagasaki, Political Correctness, World War II
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