Pat O'Slimin' out of a job

Last week, the New York Daily News reported that O’Brien has talked his way out of a job. (On a voicemail, that is.)
In 2005, the creepy host of The Insider and former CBS Sports announcer was caught leaving sexually explicit, drunken messages on a woman’s voicemail, and now it’s being reported that Paramount, the parent company that produces and distributes The Insider, is not going to renew his contract. Hey Paramount - what's your rush? It happened almost two years ago.
I realize that many companies don’t want to look insensitive when it comes to substance abuse, but I still can’t believe that this guy was allowed to stay on the air.
In the voicemails from March ‘05, O’Brien slurred to a woman (not identified) about getting a hooker and some cocaine, and the messages got much more explicit than that. I've heard the messages on Howard Stern, and they are pretty unbelievable. In the age of technology that we live in, you have to ask yourself how stupid people can be, specifically celebrities, with this kind of stuff.
If you are a talk show host, voicemails and e-mails are a reeeeeeeally bad idea.
Call it the Pat O'Brien Rule.
Labels: Paramount, Pat O'Brien, The Insider
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