Would someone please sock Wolfowitz?

Check out this pic of Paul Wolfowitz, president of the World Bank, and to many Americans, persona non grata, #1 neocon dirtbag.
These recent pics revealed Wolfie's inner slob during a visit to a mosque in Western Turkey. You'd think one of the principle architects of the Iraq War would have been taken care of by one of the war's many benefactors (most notably U.S. defense contractors).
Hey Halliburton, spare change for Wolfie's socks?
With Hallie the recipient of numerous no-bid government contracts, I'm sure it can spare a dime for one of its favorite war mongers.
At least there's one of the five senses is spared - we can't smell the stank.
Labels: Halliburton, No-Bid Contracts, Paul Wolfowitz, War Monger, World Bank
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