Newsweek Cartoons
I haven't done this in a little while, but Newsweek's political cartoons are so good in this week's issue, I wanted to bring them to you. They made me think, laugh, ponder and become outraged, sometimes more than one at the same time.
In light of all of the negative press that Walter Reed hospital is getting, it's tough to not laugh at the absolute absurdity of the conditions some of our recovering troops are enduring there. If it weren't so outrageous, it would be amusing to watch people in this administration run for cover and play the blame game over this.
This one speaks for itself. I haven't blogged much about the Libby trial, but I will later on tonight. Lots of interesting facts and observations are coming out of this trial.
A classic! Blair's withdraw was a slap in the face to this administration. Two thoughts: 1. Bush and his war architects need a slap in the face to wake them up, and 2. Politically, Blair had no choice.

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