Previewing Karl Rove's future career
But, I'm warning you, this ain't pretty. Karl Rove is like the sun - he's burned many people, he's not likely to go away for a long time, and, like the sun, if you look directly at this video, you'll regret it. You've been warned.
Well, we now know Karl Rove's next career once this administration is over. Maybe Rove could be a rapper - he's spawned more hate than even the worst rap artist could ever hope to, so he at least has the ideological foundation.
All kidding aside though, I thought this was kind of funny. He just looks like a buffoon and a fool trying to be funny, but people are making too big of a deal about this. But, it's kind of disturbing to look at in a funny kind of way.
What I did find truly annoying from last night's Radio and Television Correspondents' Association dinner were comments by President Bush when referring to the firing of U.S. attorneys:
"You know you've botched it when people sympathize with lawyers."
I realize that these events are supposed to be humorous, but really? I love it that the media consistently gives Bush a pass on his negative comments about lawyers.
I not-so-fondly remember 2004, when Bush mocked John Kerry and John Edwards for their proposals to reform medical malpractice. John Edwards' belly button lint knows more about medical malpractice than George W. Bush could learn in a lifetime, yet President Bush successfully mocked the Kerry/Edwards proposal, with his characteristic sneer:
"Their solution is to put a trial lawyer in charge."
It's amazing how much President Bush holds lawyers in contempt, yet he would never have been appointed president by the Supreme Court in the fall of 2000 were it not for any army of lawyers and a few of his daddy's buddies on the Supreme Court.
But, this is just another example of Bush thinking we're all morons and that we don't remember this stuff.
Wrong again, Mr. President.
Labels: 2007 Radio and Television Correspondents' Association Dinner, Karl Rove, MC Rove, President Bush, U.S. Attorney Firing Scandal
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