Not much time to write 'til tonight...
But in the meantime, a few hard hittin' cartoons to start your week. I found some good ones today.
I can think of 500 billion reasons why this 'toon hits painfully close to home.
Speaks for itself. "If you're losing the argument, change the argument." -- Somewhere on Karl Rove's desk, there's probaby a granite stone with those words chisled into it. He's turned changing the argument and coming up with effective distrations into an art form. Karl Rove - the modern-day Rasputin.
A homerun. And yes, Newt really did send his wife divorce papers while she was recovering from cancer. If there is a hell, the presidential suite there is named in his honor. I'll have more on Edwards' decision to stay in the race later tonight.
This is another cartoon that is painfully apropos. I've been reading and listening to a great deal of stories in the media lately about a possible economic collapse. There are lots of signs, and one of the biggest is the rate of foreclosures, which is skyrocketing. I was just telling Vandra last night that we need to get rid of our variable rate mortgage, immediately. We're looking into it. More on this later, too. I've got lots to write about tonight.

Labels: 2008 Presidential Race, Cancer, Elizabeth Edwards, John Edwards, Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich, Political Cartoons
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