Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Some fun stuff before I get back to biz

You sank my stereotype!

I'll give you three tries to guess what decade this ad is from, but you're only going to need one. That's right - it's the 1950s - the feel-good, post-World War II decade that brought us Communism witch hunts, the Cold War, the return of women to where they "belonged" (see ad above) and the rise of Richard Nixon. Thank you, 1950s! Sure makes one pine for "the good 'ole days," doesn't it?

Okay, just kidding - the 50s gave America some wonderful stuff, too - the fruits of the G.I. Bill, the Eisenhower Five-Star Interstate System, Elvis and the birth of Rock and Roll. Oh yea, we had a conservative president that could make all Americans proud, too - Dwight D. Eisenhower. Some call him boring and a "do-nothing" president, which I view as an unfair simplification. All kidding aside, he did many good things and in my view was one of our better presidents of the 20th century, regardless of having Richard Nixon as his vice president.

Now this is dedication!

Some of the stuff I find stands on its own. Can't add anything to this one, other than to say it's absolutely frickin' hilarious.

We love Dachshunds, and when we move to California, we are definitely getting one. They are one of the most photogenic dogs, and when I found this, I had to share it with you.

This is what $250 million in cash looks like, from a Mexican drug bust. Pretty amazing, isn't it? Now close your eyes, and visualizing 40 times this amount, shrunk wrapped on pallets. That's the amount that was shipped to Iraq on planes, with no paper trail, no accountability and no way to even now know if it's fallen into the hands of our enemies. Beautiful, eh?

This is a pretty accurate depiction of where technology is headed - our gadgets get smaller, yet more complicated. In the end, I think it's worth it, but to learn how to operate some of this stuff, one almost needs a separate degree these days.

Best Mardi Gras pic ever!

What a way to find out! It's as a joke, but it's probably happened somewhere.

I laughed for about five minutes when I saw this one. This has to be one of the worst photo-ops in presidential history.

I'll withstand the temptation to write a sophomoric joke here, but this is a funny picture.

Introducing... the official pen/pencil holder of Iraq! Millions have been sold, and supplies are running short, just like the Bush Administration's credibility around the world and with the American people. Order yours today by clicking (Just kidding!)

If you like all of these, take a second and go to one of the funniest blogs on the Web, Bits & Pieces, where I found a good amount of this stuff. The blog is genius - it's always good for a rude joke, picture of video clip when you need a five-minute laugh break.

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