Tony Snow has cancer again

I just read that White House Press Secretary Tony Snow has cancer again. I've screamed and howled at some things that Snow has said in the past, but when you read about something like this, politics seems so stupid... so trivial.
I hope he beats it. I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemy. I've seen it strike down too many people in the prime of their lives. Snow is 51 years old. 51.
From AP:
Snow had his colon removed in 2005 and underwent six months of chemotherapy after being diagnosed with colon cancer. A small growth was discovered last year in his lower right pelvic area, and it was removed on Monday. Doctors determined that it was cancerous, and that his cancer had metastasized, or spread, to his liver, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said.
Here's hoping you get well soon and beat cancer this time, too, Tony.
Another one of millions of tragic examples as to why we need to find a cure for this dreadful killer.
Photo from AP
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