Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Will McCain walk unprotected down a Baghdad street? I hope he's not that dumb

It's funny how you can tell how a war is going from thousands of miles away. This is from a few days ago, but it's Judas John McCain, opining that the War in Iraq is going just great. This arrogant ass tried to dress down Wolf Blitzer, telling him he should "get up to speed."

Sure, John. Why don't you get a clue. I triple-dog-dare McCain to go anywhere, ANYWHERE in Baghdad and walk down the street and see what happens.

And that's precisely what CNN's Michael Ware offered to McCain - to take a walk with him in this area "where you can walk down the street without any protection." Ware has been in Iraq for four years, reporting on the war and, let's be frank, putting himself in harm's way.

The next time that McCain wants to push b.s. like this on the American people, he should try GOP News, where the facts never get in the way of a good 'ole Republican campaign stop over its airwaves. Can you imagine McCain saying this to Sean Hannity? He would have given McCain a five-minute tongue bath while decrying how the "liberal press" is ignoring all of the good news coming out of our failed neocon state.

Psst - Hey Senator - you are an American hero for being a POW during the Vietnam War. That is not and never will be in dispute. (No Swiftboating from the left, or at least not from me, ever, about your service to your country.)

BUT, that doesn't make you an expert on the current War in Iraq. If anything, it makes you more dangerous, because you think you know a whole helluva lot more than you really do.

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