So long April - I'm happy you're going

Sixty two years ago today, nearly 20 feet below the fighting, death and mayhem on the streets of Berlin, Adolf Hitler killed himself, along with his wife of mere hours, Eva Braun, in the Führerbunker. (Above, is a 2005 picture of the site of the Hitler's bunker.)

I'm constantly decrying the use of analogies with Nazi Germany, but after thinking about this for a long time, I've come to the conclusion that there's a rational explanation for it - Nazi Germany one of humankind's darkest hours, so any war or genocide is going to be compared to it.
I still think it's overused, but, to a certain extent, I understand it.

I can't tell you how sad and sorry it is to me that my generation is now having its own Vietnam. I really would have thought that the baby boomers, whose generation fought that war, would have learned the lessons of a stupid, misguided, unjust war, which was started on false pretenses (The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, and WMDs). Of course, I don't include the current leadership of this administration, which doesn't know thing one about combat. Most importantly, both are civil wars, which we have no business being a part of.
I really hope this madness and killing end soon.
It's now up to Bush to determine how long this will go on, and it will go on until the neocons in Congress turn on him.
What are they waiting for?
Labels: Death of Hitler, Fall of Saigon, Führerbunker, Time Magazine, Vietnam War
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