Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

What's worse? Hide the women & children

Remember these two dopes? Fellow Gen-Xers can't forget them. Go ahead, admit it - you tap your feet as you watch. They are pretty laughable to look at now though, eh? Those outfits were killer.

Anyway, what's worse, the video at top, or this photo? ...

JJ "Dynoooomite!" Walker and Mann Coulter. I was going to make about five different jokes about this picture along the lines of "who has the bigger Adam's Apple?" but I decided against it.

I would like to know why JJ is licking his lips. Hopefully, it's because he's thinking about what he's going to have for lunch. I'd better quit now before this really goes downhill.

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