O'Reilly & Novak - racing toward the bottom

Bill O'Reilly and Robert Novak are soulless on a good day, but I always get a special sort of joy when they show their true colors.
Bill O'Reilly, when discussing his latest fetish, Rosie O'Donnell, had this to say:
Never in the history of American television has one performer alienated so many people.
I couldn't stop laughing when I read he said that. Bill O'Reilly said that. I feel very sad for him.
Robert Novak, of Valerie Plame-fame, classlessly had this to say about Al Gore:

He enjoys being rich... he enjoys being an Oscar-winner... and I think he enjoys being fat, too.
I'm encouraged that Novak isn't waiting until Gore announces his candidacy for president (if he does) before attacking him, year 2000 style. Rather impressive, actually.
If I can psychoanalyze for a nanosecond, I'd say the early Gore attacks are a pretty good indication of how desperate the Right is about the GOP's chances to retain the White House in 2008. Maybe Karl Rove can feed Novak more people whose careers need ruining. So far, no luck, but there's still plenty of time before the '08 election.
And since Novak chooses to go into the gutter, I will for a second as well. Since he likes poking fun at Gore's midsection, he may want to put down the Twinkies himself.
Choosing who's the worst between these two is like choosing between food poisoning and a flaming case of hemorrhoids.
Labels: 2008 Presidential Race, Al Gore, Bill O'Reilly, Karl Rove, Robert Novak, Rosie O'Donnell, Twinkies, Valerie Plame Wilson
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