Poignant Mem Day msg from John Edwards
I heard this message from John Edwards tonight, and it resonated with me on this Memorial Day Weekend. I really am going to have the troops on my mind this weekend. We are having a party, and, without being pushy about it, I'm going to talk to my friends about what we can do to end the war, and what their thoughts are about it. Normally I eschew political discussions among friends and family, but the more this war drags on, the more we have a responsibility to speak out and speak up, not shut up.
On Monday, I pledge to write President Bush and my elected Congressional representatives to let them know what I think about the latest war funding bill.
I'm also going to look into the Yellow Ribbon Fund that Edwards mentioned in his video. I just did a little poking around on the Website, and it looks like something very worthwhile, and I'm going to schedule some volunteer time. Click on the image below to go to Yellow Ribbon Fund's Website.

Labels: John Edwards, Memorial Day, War in Iraq, Yellow Ribbon Fund
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