My new photoblog is finally online

At long last, my photo blog is up! There's not much to it yet - just some pictures from my trip to Game 7 of Stanley Cup Finals last year. I guess I'll be takin' two parallel paths for a little while; I'll post pics from the "archives" of sorts, and also current pictures.
I'm kind of making it up as I go along, so of course I'd be delighted to hear any suggestions or feedback on my photography. If you think I like to write, trust me, it pales in comparison to how much I love photography.
My two loves in photography are candids, city scapes and photography, and my photoblog will contain lots of them all.

My plans for my official Website, (or if you're a friend - I own both domain names) are moving forward, but a bit slower than I'd like. All that stands between me and a great, original Website built from the ground up is my learning Adobe Dreamweaver. I'm working on it, and I'll keep you updated as I make progress.
Oh, and a bit about the name, EOS Mío. ...
I'm nuts about Canon equipment - I'm on my eighth Canon SLR, and with the exception of my HP Photosmart R967 digital and a Yashica point and shoot I had years ago, I've only ever owned Canon cameras.I owned Canon's first EOS camera, the 650, which was also Canon's first true auto focus SLR (with a nod to a rare Canon piece of garbage, the T80).
Anyway, I've been in love with the Canon EOS ever since its introduction 20 years ago in 1987 - the system keeps getting better and better.
The second half of this blog's name - working in the restaurant business, one of the phrases I heard most often from my Spanish coworkers was "Dios Mío!" (My God!) I love the Spanish language ~ some day I'll be fluent, but I've got a long way to go.
So, EOS Mío is the name - My EOS.
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