A great site for political junkies

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Since the primary drama will soon be at an end on the Democratic side of things, and McCain is certain to be the GOP nominee, it's time to mention one of my favorite sites from the '04 election, the Electoral Vote Predictor. This site is one of my few favorite memories from the '04 presidential election (and there aren't many); it's updated daily, and contains polls from a variety of sources, including Gallup, Zogby, Quinnipiac University, Mason-Dixon, Rasmussen Reports, etc.
The site is run by a Democrat, but it does not take an overly partisan tone at all. If you are looking for a similar site run by a Republican who has devoted his life to Jesus, you can go Here. However, I assume that since you're reading this blog, you aren't interesting in going down that road.
You might be wondering, how did EVP do in 2004? For a discussion about the site's '04 predictions, polls and results, click Here.
From now until the '08 election, which is a mere 250 days away, you can find the current predicted electoral vote, as well as the projected make up of the Senate and House, on the left side of the CMB homepage.
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