About that liberal media...

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I wonder how Republicans will spin this one? Every Republican, and I do mean every one, was anti-CBS back in 2004 when Dan Rather, ahem, rather foolishly went public with a story impugning Bush's National Guard "service."
Anyway, The Drudge Report has been pimping the Hillary story all day; it's nearly 3 p.m., and it's been up since 8 this morning. (Don't click unless you want to give him the hits.) Funny how I didn't notice McCain's numerous gaffes last week featured nearly as prominently, but that figures. If you click on the image above for a larger view, you'll notice that the insipid Drudge boasts one of the most visited sites on the Web. I hate to acknowledge it, but facts are facts - it's tough to overstate his influence on the mass media, going all the way back to the Monica Lewinsky scandal. And the mainstream media simply laps it up; multiple times I've heard talking heads on cable news networks, including CNN, say "The Drudge Report is reporting..." as if that alone constitutes news. Never mind the fact that his track record is no better than The New York Times or any of the so-called media outlets. It's also a very poorly kept secret that the Republican National Committee talks with Drudge on a regular basis and gives him talking points.
Republican reaction to Hillary's latest puffery about a trip to Bosnia is pretty predictable, actually. It's the tried-and-true GOP play book - when the media reports something unfriendly regarding a Democrat, the media's simply doing it's job, but when the media pops a blister of Republican malfeasance, Repubes whine about "the liberal media." It's another reason we have to be so thankful for Richard Nixon's legacy. Thanks, Dick.
I tire of hearing tales about "the liberal media," but I won't stop writing about it, because it can and must be debunked.
Labels: 2008 Presidential Race, CBS News, Drudge Report, Hillary Clinton, Richard Nixon
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