Elizabeth puts the ass in Hasselbeck
It looks like Elizabeth Hasselbeck knows as much about politics as her husband does about being a starting NFL quarterback.
Far be it from me to ever promote or have much of anything nice to say about The View, one of the most annoying shows ever created. But, I couldn't let the comments by Elizabeth Hasselbeck in the above footage go. She sure does know her stuff, doesn't she? Hasselbeck sure does blow the lid off the Dumb Blonde stereotype, as she simply devastates Whoppi Goldberg with her Jeffrey Dahmer analogy about Rev. Jeremiah Wright. I had to watch this footage twice just so I could make sure I absorbed all of the sage morsels coming out of her mouth.

Anyway, as much as I dislike The View, I have to give credit where it's due - to both Behar and Goldberg for standing up to Hasselbeck's myopic, ill-informed views. Hasselbeck has a long way to go if she wants to join the screeching, women lunatics on the right (Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Debbie Schlussel, etc.). Almost seven minutes and no Bill Clinton reference? You've got a long way to go, Lizzie, but keep plugging away at it - someday you might reach the depths the far right goes to smear a Democrat.
Labels: Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Joy Behar, The View, Whoppi Goldberg
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