One more Bush? Let's hope not...

Anyway, a third Bush term would unquestionably spell disaster for this country environmentally, economically, culturally, socially and politically, to say nothing about what it will do to our foreign policy, Supreme Court, civil "liberties" (the ones we have left) and our already gutted and overtaxed military.
As citizens, we really have to guard against the dog's breakfast and slop the mainstream media will undoubtedly feed us this summer and fall. I don't care about what supporters of the various nominees said - I want to know what these candidates will offer us once they get into office, Period. What's sad is that many voters will get distracted, or will vote on one issue; the moderates who fall into that category are the ones who need to be persuaded about what an unmitigated disaster.
Labels: 2008 Presidential Race, John McCain, President Bush
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