Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Our National Embarrassment gets booed

This one made my whole week. Okay, maybe just my whole day, but it's about time Our National Embarrassment feels just a tiny bit of our discontent. I'm all for keeping the president and our leaders safe and that no harm comes to them, even this president, but in the 21st century, an American president really does lead a sanitized life - rarely hearing true opinions of Americans, unless he wants to. It never ceases to anger me when I read about how the Secret Service arrests protesters at a presidential appearance, or when "protest sites" are set up. How nice and convenient!

As I watched this footage, I couldn't help but fantasize for a moment about being the owner of the Washington Nationals while having Bush visit. Maybe the best thing for this night would have been giving out free foam "Ws" which would have made for some great throwing (love the double entendre), or maybe free W-shaped ice cream snacks with raspberry sauce - great symbolism for all of the death, destruction and disillusionment our wonderful president has brought to the Middle East, and plenty of the last two here at home, too. But, I digress.

h/t Crooks & Liars for the video footage

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