Weekend Cartoons
I found dozens of great cartoons this week - here's a sample. In my 2+ years of blogging and my many years of reading about politics, I've found one universal maxim to be true - the more upheaval, the more scandals, the crazier our political discourse, the better the cartoons. Say hello to the best batch I've found in quite sometime. I'll offer comments below a few selected cartoons. Enjoy...
The Clintons' attacking New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson for endorsing Barack Obama is nothing short of disgraceful. It seems to me that the Clintons have an entitlement attitude of sorts when it comes to the Democratic Party, along the line of, "Hillary is running, so you must back her. Anyone who doesn't is a traitor." Yea, right.
This country needs to return to the days of reasonable governmental regulation on most of the industries that have been deregulated over the past 25-30 years. Of course, we have the Reagan Revolution to thank for that - his systematic attempt to dismantle as much of the federal government as he possibly could, effectively turning over the fates of millions to corporate America. The debacle in the mortgage industry is simply the latest example. The best part? Wait for it...
Wait for it...
Wait for it...
You, the American taxpayer, gets to pay to clean up this mess. Funny how the taxpayer doesn't ever revel in the profits, though. Actually, in many ways and in many industries, it's a fool-proof plan for corporations and their stockholders - we profit, we keep it, and if we get in big trouble, we simply suckle at the teats of Uncle Sam's government. What a concept!
I have absolutely nothing to add to this one, other than that our leaders have failed us, as well as the troops in the field. I lay most of the blame at the feet of the incompetent, hopeless rubes in the Bush administration, but Democrats deserve some blame, too. After all, the Congress has Democratic majority in both houses. But, to be fair, Dems have not always had the majorities it needs to institute reforms. I'm hoping that the '08 election changes that. I'm also hoping that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid both get bounced from their leadership positions.
This is the best political cartoon I've ever seen or read in my life, ever. Any cartoon that can lay waste to Bush's $500 billion experiment on democracy in the Middle East in one fell swoop is an instant classic. If there were a political cartoon Hall of Fame, this would be its inaugural inductee.

This one says hits McCain right where it hurts. I'm already sick to death of hearing McCain talk about how "we'll never surrender" in Iraq. Who does this guy think he is, Lyndon Johnson? I'd think that someone who spent five years in a North Vietnamese POW camp would know that we did effectively surrender in Vietnam, despite Richard Nixon's laughable assertion that we achieved "peace with honor." Sure, Senator, let's just stay in Iraq until we reach $5 trillion? How about $8 trillion? It's almost as if McCain is saying to Dubya, "I'll see your stupidity, and raise you one war." (Iran)
I'm writing more about Obama and Wright in a little bit today. I've had it up to here with the media's mischaracterizations of Obama, Wright and their relationship. I love it that every pundit thinks that the disclaimer "I don't have any proof of this, but I think Obama's relationship xxxxxx (fill in breathless, empty-headed analysis here)."
Isn't this the truth? Howard Dean is really taking some risks, and they may not pay off. If I had my way, he would not be the DNC Chairman. Only a party this backward and idiotic would even be remotely in danger of losing the presidential election in 2008 after eight years of the worst president in U.S. history.
Dick Cheney's response to a question about American attitudes about the Iraq War: "So," is one of the most disgraceful ever uttered by an American politician. I'll have more on this one later.

Isn't this the sad truth? I'll also be writing more about this in the coming days, but in my view (and many experts, and I'm not one of those), there is not one magical solution to our dependency on foreign oil. It's going to take many, many solutions - including some that haven't even been invented yet. But, there are many things that are available - wind power, solar power, electric cars, etc. Sadly, our government gives most of the existing technologies lip service, and little more.

"Stop, terrorist! Take those nipple rings off!" The TSA is a disgraceful joke, and I won't even get started on the FBI's terrorist watch list that gets so much play in the media.
I routinely decry intolerance and hateful sermons in the name of religion all the time, including idiots like Louis Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson on the left. (Oh, and how could I have forgotten the biggest stooge of all, Al Sharpton?) But, what the media has done not only to Jeremiah Wright, but to also to Obama for his association with him, is preposterous. More on this in a bit as well.

Wait for it...
Wait for it...
You, the American taxpayer, gets to pay to clean up this mess. Funny how the taxpayer doesn't ever revel in the profits, though. Actually, in many ways and in many industries, it's a fool-proof plan for corporations and their stockholders - we profit, we keep it, and if we get in big trouble, we simply suckle at the teats of Uncle Sam's government. What a concept!

Tragically hilarious.

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