Fighting the War on Error

"You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists."
- Political & Social Activist Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)

Friday, March 28, 2008

We're been waiting for... this?!?

This one gave me a laugh in the middle of a very hectic day - a just-released ad from the McCain campaign, telling us that McCain is "the president we've been waiting for." I find it interesting and just a bit sleazy that McCain uses footage from his time as a POW in Vietnam. He's a hero, and I'm not questioning whether he is or not, but I AM pointing out the hypocrisy in the Republican ranks; after all, John Kerry was vilified for bringing up his Vietnam service during the '04 race.

But hey, we all know from experience that Republican opinions don't transfer from one election to another. After all, Bill Clinton's draft dodging was fodder for the GOP cannon in 1992, but in 2000 then-candidate George Bush "served his country" by dodging the draft and "serving" in the Texas Air National Guard, leapfrogging over hundreds of men on the waiting list.

We're already seeing it this year, too; now, McCain's experience counts for everything in the world, but Bush's inexperience was "no big deal" in 2000. I will always feel for and admire McCain for surviving in the hellhole called the Hanoi Hilton, but I fail to see how being a POW for five years makes you an expert on foreign affairs. And based on his comments last week, the proof is in the pudding. This is a guy that's gotten everything wrong about Iraq, but now we're to believe everything he says?


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