Hard to believe, but I agree with Fumo

I couldn't agree more - I've written many times recently how I firmly believe that "Johnny Doc" represents the backward, brutal, thuggery politics of Philadelphia's past, and it's my hope the city can move past that. The outgoing Fumo agrees, calling Dougherty "a bully, a thug and evil." Wow, how do you really feel, Senator?
From Philly.com:
"I am not endorsing any candidates, but do not elect John Dougherty," Fumo said at a meeting of the Spring Garden Civic Association. "I do not want that to be my legacy. He is a bully, a thug and evil. Please vote against him."And that, ladies and gentlemen, is reason #1 (and numbers two and three) why I hope and pray that Farnese does not prevail in Tuesday's three-way race for the Democratic nomination in the election to replace Fumo this fall. The last thing I want the First District's new state Senator to have is any owed favors to the ethically challenged Vincent Fumo.
"I got 16 members of the Senate to endorse Farnese and raise money for him," Fumo said. "Any kind of logic would lead you to vote for Farnese."
The only logical choice is Progressive Anne Dicker (above right). I'm disappointed but not surprised that The Philadelphia Inquirer's editorial board has endorsed Farnese. Considering that former Republican activist and hack Brian Tierney is running the Inky, and that he considers Rick Santorum worthy of a regular column on the paper's editorial page, it's no shock the paper doesn't recognize a true Progressive when there's one right in front of our noses, and that's Dicker.
Dougherty is under federal investigation for a myriad of ethical lapses, so the last thing we need is another state Senator being investigated; we've got that in Fumo now. And since Fumo is endorsing Farnese, he gets painted with the "guilt by association" brush. Hey, if you sleep with dogs, you're gonna get fleas.
We have supported Dicker a little bit by attending one of her fund raisers, and I'm trying to find time to be a poll worker this Tuesday, but that sort of activism is not the approach the Dougherty campaign is taking, and I found out about this by accident. Get this - the Dougherty campaign is paying people $150 to turn a shift as a poll worker. Hey, nothing buys sincerity like $150, right?
Yesterday, a vehicle rolling down our street with a loudspeaker extolling the virtues of Dougherty, and I wish I would have been on street level when it rolled on by. What's more, I wish I had one of those electronic megaphones so I could drive after it and shout out the virtues of Dicker. Okay, I probably wouldn't, but I'd be tempted. I'm not above a good 'ole metaphorical political street fight.
Please visit Dicker's Website to donate time and/or money to try and help her get elected to the state Senate.
Labels: Anne Dicker, Johnny Dougherty, Larry Farnese, Philadelphia First District, Rick Santorum, Vincent Fumo
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