Hill-adelphia helps Clinton carry PA

Of course, all day today, the press engaged in wild speculation about what Hillary should do if her victory wasn't big enough, if she won by x%, etc. I think all of that speculation was for naught, because Hillary isn't going anywhere, for now. There will be calls on both sides for the other to step aside, but that's easy for all of us to say, when they are both (but yet so far) from the Democratic nomination.
In state news, I was delighted to see that Johnny Dougherty lost his bid be the Democratic nominee to replace the outgoing State Senator Vince Fumo in Philadelphia's First District. Unfortunately, Larry Farnese was the winner, and not the candidate we supported - Anne Dicker. The district won with Dougherty's defeat, however.
Dicker distinguished herself in this campaign, and she certainly has a future in politics. I will support and vote for Farnese in the fall election.
The jury is still out, of course, for the Democratic nomination, but I just don't buy into the opinion that the dogfight between Clinton and Obama somehow will hurt the Democratic Nominee's chances against John McCain. Sure, I'd like to see a nominee raising money now, but I still believe the Democrats will win and win big this fall.
And I plan on spending lots of time and energy to help make that happen.
Labels: 2008 election, 2008 Pennsylvania Primary, 2008 Presidential Race, Anne Dicker, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Johnny Dougherty, Larry Farnese, Vincent Fumo
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