Johnny Doc... what a crock

This morning, Philadelphia Inky columnist Monica Yant Kinney had some interesting things to say about Johnny Doc in her column:
It's 2005. You earn $175,000 that year and decide to renovate your home.This is one in a seemingly endless examples of why Dougherty should be shown the door, not given the keys to the First District's state Senate seat. I've said it many times, and it certainly bears repeating - Dougherty represents the sleaziness and questionable ethics that have stained Vince Fumo's tenure in the state Senate. In order to move forward, I really do hope and pray that voters send Dicker to the fall election with a primary victory, not Farnese or (heaven forbid) Johnny Dougherty.
Do you (a) rent a place for the duration of the messy six-month project or (b) live for free at a luxury waterfront apartment building owned by a prominent developer?
John Dougherty chose b.
Personally, if I wore as many hats as Dougherty does and wanted to hold office, I'd jump into the Delaware before taking a gift like that.
Dougherty, business manager for Local 98 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and Democratic candidate for the First District's state Senate seat, seems to have no problem with sweet deals that to voters may taste sour.
In 2003, according to federal authorities, he bought a North Wildwood condo from an electrician pal for $24,000 less than what you or I would have had to pay because he could, never mind that the law forbids contractors from plying union leaders with gifts.
Investigators are also concerned whether, a year later, the same contractor did work gratis on Dougherty's home in South Philly.
Now we learn that during the renovation, developer Peter DePaul gave Dougherty a key to a $3,000-a-month unit in the Dockside Luxury Apartments.
Inside the complex - which resembles a cruise ship and boasts of offering "a sea of amenities" - Dougherty had granite counter tops, a private terrace, and the use of an indoor pool.
This was a freebie, Dougherty freely acknowledged. Now if it was only clear why he had taken it in the first place.
There seems to be a good amount of money to throw around (and away) on the part of Farnese and Dougherty - in the past few weeks, I've gotten more mail fliers from these two than Publisher's Clearing House. I don't mind receiving it, because we are already casting our votes for Dicker, so they're simply wasting their money.
Probably my favorite piece of direct mail came from Larry Farnese, boasting about how when his father got cancer, he successfully fought his dad's HMO about one thing or another. Hmm - that's a pretty honorable thing to do - using your father's cancer on campaign literature. I guess it didn't occur to his campaign handlers to include a picture of Farnese helping an old lady across the street.
The irony isn't lost on me that Farnese has gained the support of the Liberty City Lesbian and Gay Democratic Club, either. Farnese and Dicker both support gay marriage, so I give Farnese credit for that, but I'm unsure why Farnese has otherwise received the club's support.
Dicker, open bisexual, has amazingly been derided by some critics as making that fact public for political reasons. I guess I must be living in an alternate universe, because I must have missed the political development when it became political advantageous to be anything other than straight, in Philadelphia or any other city. My guess is that Dicker did it for two reasons - so her opponents couldn't dig up that dirt on her, and to indicate to voters of all sexual orientations that she can appreciate some of the issues they face today. In one of the Philadelphia weeklies that one of the leaders of a Philadelphia gay group slammed Dicker for never having been a member or being vocal about her sexual orientation before running for the state Senate. In a word - preposterous. I'm a straight man, so perhaps I cannot totally appreciate what gays go through, but since when is anyone who is gay obligated to be actively involved in gay community groups? Just a thought.
Anyway, I urge all Democratic voters in Philadelphia's First District to cast their vote for Dicker. She has received a very high number of endorsements, including The Philadelphia Inquirer. Drop by her Website to find out more.

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Dicker appeared on WHYY's Radio Times to debate Farnese and Dougherty last week. Clearly, she was on her A-game, while Dougherty and Farnese didn't sound as good to me. Click Here to listen to the debate.
In fairness, I liked several things about all of the candidates, and it's safe to say that whomever wins the April 22 Democratic primary, I will vote for in November (although I'd hold my nose voting for Dougherty).
It's little wonder that Dougherty only wanted to spend a half hour on the show, because he virtually spent the entire half hour of the debate on the defensive, and he has a lot to answer for. Scheduling conflict my ass. I find it OUTRAGEOUS that Dougherty wants to remain on in his post with IBEW Local 98. Dicker was spot on when she said she doesn't believe that IBEW Local 98 deserves its own Senate seat. It does not, and it had ought to be a much bigger campaign issue than it is been thus far.
Another thing I love about Dicker is that she is vehemently anti-casino, as the founder of Casino Free Philadelphia. Good on her, because I firmly believe that casinos are the last thing we need in Philadelphia.
Nine days to go 'til the primary, and we must support and elect smart, bright, determined and motivated Progressives like Anne Dicker. Please support her campaign with time or money - every little bit helps.
Labels: Anne Dicker, Casino-Free Philadelphia, Johnny Dougherty, Larry Farnese, Pennsylvania State Senate, Philadelphia First District, Vincent Fumo
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