My ballot is cast...

Anyway, it's official - I cast my vote for Obama. Despite my recent indecision about possibly voting for Hillary, I didn't waiver from my original pronouncement of supporting Obama. I believe Hillary is quite a strong candidate, but I simply think Obama can give politics in our poisoned nation's capital the swift kick in the butt that it needs.
I also cast my vote for Progressive Anne Dicker today for Pennsylvania's First District's State Senate race. She's in a dogfight with Johnny Dougherty and Larry Farnese. I'd like to say I'm confident she can pull it off, but in the last few weeks, I'm not so sure. But, I never considered voting for either of the other two.
Voter turnout here in Pennsylvania appears to be quite heavy indeed. I'll be back later with much more. If you live in Pa. and you're reading this - get out there and vote today - the earlier, the better. There have already been some reported problems with voting machines in South Philly. If you go early, you have a chance to get the problem fixed before the end of the day so your vote counts.
Labels: 2008 election, 2008 Pennsylvania Primary, Anne Dicker, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Johnny Dougherty, Larry Farnese
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