Economy got you down? Gas too expensive? No worries - Let the demagoguery begin!
The people over at Talking Points Memo have put together a wonderful montage of Republican fear mongering over the last few days about Barack Obama's opinion on the Surge, which every Republican in the Western Hemisphere is huffing and puffing as a resounding success. Just wondering, where have we seen that kind of ass clownery before?

On a day when Obama is making a historic speech in the heart of Berlin, all the leading Republicans can do is sit back and watch, and whine that he "wasn't right about the surge." It's equivalent to a bunch of under-aged kids who are trying to get into a high school party, and no one will let them in, so they sit out in the street, screaming, while no one pays attention to them, throwing pebbles at the house.
I guess no one is showing the McCain campaign the poll numbers these days (good) that show the overwhelming majority of Americans feel that the economy is the number one issue this fall, and it's their number one concern. Sure, we all want to feel safe, but exactly how has Bush and his war mongering candidate done that? They still haven't found bin Laden, Iraq was never a threat and our homeland is still dreadfully unprepared for another attack. What's more, if you can't afford gas or your mortgage, you aren't nearly as worried about national security.
Yet, all we hear about is Iraq, Iraq, Iraq from right-wing blowhards on TV. Well, I guess when you have nothing else to run on, you have to beat the one drum you have left. And they are going to beat it HARD. One of the most under reported stories in our corporate media right now is how Karl Rove is simultaneously working for Faux News while serving as a consultant for the McCain campaign. So, many of the Rovian tactics will no doubt be dragged from the closet, dusted off and thrown into battle vs. Obama. I sure hope Obama is ready; so far, it seems like he is. He's up against it in some ways, even though he's doing well in the polls. Just wondering, are any Obama consultants working for a major network?
And, I'm sorry, but why in the world is Rudy 9iu1ian1 still on TV? Why do his opinions matter? And why isn't the media playing up his differences with John McCain (as well as Mitt Romney's) like it did and continues to do with Hillary and Obama?!? Well, it is our corporate media, so I guess I'm being all rhetorical and all.
Just because Sylvester Giuliani helped New Yorkers endure 9-11, that does not make him some sort of foreign policy expert. Far from it. Just as John McCain serving as a POW doesn't qualify him as an expert on foreign policy, or fighting wars, for that matter. I can only hope that McCain keeps repeating the absurd line, "My friends, I know how to win wars," followed by the creepy smile. Because sooner or later, someone, somewhere, is going to get the balls to say, "Exactly how is that, Senator?"
Labels: Barack Obama, Barack Obama Foreign Policy, Iraq Troop Surge, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani
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