McCain disses WSJ reporter
This is some pretty telling footage of John McCain dissing a reporter from The Wall St. Journal a few days ago, supposedly for coverage that he didn't find very flattering in the paper's pages.
First, check out Sen. Lindsay Graham's expression off to the right - hilarious!
On a more serious note, for the life of me, I'm wondering why McCain would do such a thing? I'll never understand why candidates and presidents do that - a smarter guy would realize that whatever coverage he's unhappy with, it's not going to stop if he refuses to take questions from a certain media outlet's reporter. In fact, it won't get him any favor with the WSJ, in all likelihood. I think it was Winston Churchill who once most famously said, "Never get in a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel."
What's more, since the WSJ was taken over by Murdoch, it's maintained its reputation as a very conservative newspaper, which is on McCain's turf, so that makes it all the more puzzling. If the snub was directed toward the New York Times, I could understand it better (but certainly not condone it).
Labels: John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Wall Street Journal
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